[Resolved] image should have a src attribute that points to the kitten image FreeCodeCamp.Org HTML Certification Course
edited for opsec Inbox T temuulen Its keep saying your image should have a src attribute that points to the kitten image. What should I do [image] Sent from Mail for Windows MIKE FENDERSON to temuulen good day, i solved it as seen below: I see it,, you need to look at the src code on the left side of the screen, whatever it says there needs to be copied and pasted to the code section on the right hand side, in your code in between the "" marks. If you just type the code from the video it will not be correct all the time because sometimes the code is generated with different links or links change, the link pointed to has to be the exaact link the lesson wants or it will return the " image should have src attribute that points to the kitten image error.bit.ly in this case is incorrect, and the correct link is the " cdn.freecodecamp.org/ curriculum/cat-photo "...etc best regards, and never stop learning, great job coming this far, it is worth it, keep pushing ...